
Image License

The images on Stock Pics are generated using Generative AI technology. 

Commercial Use

You are free to use the images from Stock Pics for any commercial purpose, including:

  • Websites and web content
  • Printed marketing materials
  • Product packaging and labeling
  • Advertisements and promotions
  • Merchandise and products for sale

There are no restrictions on how the images can be used for commercial applications.


While attributions are not required, we do appreciate if you provide a credit or attribution to Stock Pics when using our images. This can be done by including a line such as "Image by Stock Pics" or linking back to our website.

Providing attributions helps support our AI-generated stock photography and allows us to continue expanding our image library.


The images cannot be resold or redistributed as individual image files. They are licensed for use within your own creative projects and end-products, not for individual image resale.